When it comes to fine wines, there are so many questions many people have regarding the best flavors, the best brands, the best combinations, the best regions and seasons, and so much more. But every person is different when it comes to taste as well as best learning practices. Thankfully, there are so many different ways to learn about wine so you can work it around your own schedule while also choosing the way to learn that best suits your needs. Just as all wine is different, so are all people, so we have provided a list of options when it comes to learning about fine wine and the differences each of them have.


Reading is the most common way to learn about any topic, but especially with so many books, blogs, and online resources available to us today, it is still the most popular form of learning. When looking for reading material to learn about different types of wines and the details for each, you want to find a reliable source for your information. This could be a popular book showcasing many different types of wines or a blog that shares their experiences and knowledge on wine from around the world. The main thing to look for is honest reviews that are not skewed by lots of sponsors. But reading can be a fun way to grow your knowledge of fine wines and learn as you grow which wines and flavors you prefer.

Online Courses

Online courses are a great way to learn about fine wines from home on your own schedule. Especially if your schedule tends to change fairly often, it is nice to know you can learn as you have the time. Many people prefer online courses because you can stay home and learn on your own as you go through the course, so if the course is talking about wines from a specific region or pairing wine with different foods, you can prepare ahead of time and have those to try while you take the course. It is a fun way to learn something new and broaden your horizons. Online courses can also be fun for groups of friends or family members to learn together. As each of you take the course, you can talk about what you learned, your likes and dislikes, and have small wine parties to try lots of different flavors with those you care about.

Wine Tastings

Wine tastings come in all shapes and sizes and are by far the funnest way to learn about wine. Wine tastings can be a scheduled event you go to over several weeks and make new friends who have similar interests as you. Or wine tastings can be events you do at home with close friends or family to celebrate an anniversary, birthday or just to have an adult get together that is unique and different. You can learn something new while making memories together and having fun. Wine tastings can even be as simple as trying a new wine every week to see what you like about it, your preferences, food you enjoyed with it, and looking up information about that particular brand and flavor. And of course, wine tastings can include going to a local vineyard for a wine tasting to learn about fine wines, the grapes, the region, and more.


There are also ways you can do a wine tasting virtually. Here at Capital Wine School, we are able to put the wines together for curbside pickup and do an online wine tasting where we talk about each type of wine, the region it is from, what it pairs well with, and answer any questions you have. These are a great way to safely have a night in with friends and family from each of your homes while making a memory together.

Certification Classes

If you have more interest in fine wines than the average consumer and hope to make a career as a bartender, waiter/waitress or a sommelier, certification classes are the first steps to reaching these goals. Our certification classes at Capital Wine School are designed to prepare you for the WSET if that is what you are hoping for, but they start as simply as a beginner level for those who do not know a lot about wine. We keep each of our classes simple, fun, and educational so you will get the education you need while enjoying each course in the process. You can check out our classes and courses to see a description of each to find the level you think would best suit you to begin and check the calendar for class dates and times. We have online options that are live, and we believe are the best option to learn in a “class” setting where you can have your questions answered right then and there. We also provide pre recorded classes so you can take them around your schedule. In person certification classes are currently unavailable.

Online Videos

Videos are not the same as online courses, and here is what we mean. YouTube is becoming much more popular as a way to learn new things every day. You can find personal videos of individuals reviewing different types of wine or even professional instructors teaching about fine wines, the history of wine, the basics of wine, and the list goes on. If videos are an easier way for you to learn, YouTube could be a great platform to learn the basics about wine or different ones to try. It is also a great place to learn about presentation, pairing wines, and so much more.

Personal Training

In this case, personal training is not talking about working out. Often a great way to learn about wines is by talking with someone who teaches wine courses, serves wine professionally, is a sommelier or who works at a vineyard. Each of these jobs requires extensive knowledge of fine wine and can be a fun way to make a new friend while learning about wine. You can reach out and ask for a personal training session but many times they offer them on their website or are willing to teach if you just ask. This can be done in person or online, but you will have a person who has real life experience that you can bounce ideas off of, ask questions to, and learn things from them that are not taught in a class.

Real Life Experience

All the lessons in the world and all the lectures and certifications will never make up for real life experiences. While the certifications and classes are necessary for many fields, real-world experience is something that cannot be taught. Going to a fancy restaurant and trying fine wines, purchasing many different flavors from around the world to try or visiting different places in your area or country are great ways to get real life experience trying fine wines. And the best part? It is fun. Who doesn’t love trying lots of wine for a living? You can enjoy the flavors from so many different places and learn for yourself what you enjoy, what you don’t, your favorite pairings, your favorite regions and seasons all without leaving your home if you wanted to. That is the beauty of wine tastings.

Blind Wine Tasting

While blind wine tasting is not necessarily the number one way to “learn” about wine, it is a fun way to try different types of wine and see if you know your stuff. This is just a fun way to experiment, learn, and grow as a wine taster and can make for a fun night at home with the family. Blind tasting can consist of cheaper wines and finer wines to see if you can tell the difference or you can try guessing the regions each wine is from. There are so many ways you can make blind tasting both fun and educational as you continue on your journey of learning about wine.

Ultimately when it comes down to it, the best way to learn about wine is to try it. Try it when you go out to eat, try it at home, try it on vacation, try it with meals, and just keep trying it until you’ve learned about a variety of different types of wine. After all, they say practice makes perfect, so practicing tasting wine is important to become an expert in fine wines.

If you are looking for a place you can learn about wine safely while getting a quality education, whether professionally or for pure enjoyment, Capital Wine School is the place for you. We provide online classes, certified courses, and personalized wine tastings that can be done in a safe and fun way. You can check out our website for class schedules, certification options, private wine tastings, and more. Or you can contact us for more information about our company or the services we offer. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you learn all you can about wine in a fun, safe, professional manner.