In today’s day and age, we have unlimited access to learn about any subject matter we want with access to the internet. From dance classes to drawing classes to cooking classes to wine classes, we have the ability to learn about anything and everything at the touch of a button. However, often you hear about a friend or family member who spent the money and took an online class but didn’t feel like they learned anything. Sometimes that can be a miscommunication from the teacher to the students, but other times, it may be how the online class was taken. A classroom setting promotes the idea of learning and focusing on a specific subject while it’s being taught, and although we love that everyone can take classes from home these days, there are good and bad ways to take an online class that can either promote learning or hinder it. So today we’re going to discuss a few of the ways you can make learning easier at home.


Getting the Most out of your Online Wine Class

  1. The first and most important way to get the most out of an online wine class is to ensure your internet connection is stable. Without that, you could be in the middle of a course when you lose signal or be watching a live video with a teacher and miss out when the internet goes out. If you don’t have a great internet connection at home, finding a place that does like the library or a coffee shop would be a good idea.
  2. The second way to get the most out of your online wine class is to have a clean learning space. This will help promote an atmosphere of learning without any distractions of things that shouldn’t be there or thinking about cleaning the area. This doesn’t mean your desk needs to be perfectly clean, but an organized desk will help put you in the right mindsight while focusing on what the teacher is teaching.
  3. The third way to get the most out of an online wine class is to have a scheduled time to take your online classes. Whether the class requires it or not, scheduling a specific time each day to take your online class will promote learning, keep you in a routine, and help you get the classes done. You’ll feel a sense of accomplishment knowing you took the classes you were supposed to that day and stayed on schedule for the other things you have to do that day.
  4. The fourth way to get the most out of an online wine class is to take lots of notes. Most online classes will provide some form of notes, whether it’s fill in the blank, an outline or a full set of student notes, but nothing can take the place of your own note-taking. Taking notes yourself keeps you involved in the class and gives you a second way to get the material. The first way is through the teacher teaching it, so you hear it. Then writing it down, you see it. It helps solidify the thought and encourages better learning.
  5. The fifth way to get the most out of your online wine class is to take breaks from online learning from time to time. It won’t help you learn the material well if you blow through a dozen classes in a day without retaining any of the information. Having a schedule and routine will help this, but if you know you’ll be taking a lot of classes in one day, be sure to give your brain time to rest every so often so you can recharge for a bit and get back to truly learning what is being taught.
  6. The sixth way to get the most out of an online wine class is to make sure you take time to study. Hearing the material once doesn’t mean you retained it or that it will help you with testing. Take time to study, not just for the test but for real life implementation. If you plan to be a sommelier, the material being taught is vital because you’ll need a true grasp of it to be good at your job. Studying is a great step towards that.
  7. The next way to get the most out of an online wine class is to make friends with those also taking the class. Join a Facebook group or chat group with those taking the class. Don’t isolate yourself. You don’t have to be best friends with everyone, but learning from home can feel lonely at times, and having friends in your online class can help that. They can also help you study, answer questions, and together you can all grow while learning together.
  8. The last and probably most helpful tip for getting the most out of an online wine class is to ask for help when you need it. Asking questions about something you don’t understand or clarifying what the teacher meant about something will help you more than anything else. Asking questions solidifies you understand what is being taught and are trying to understand it more or are wanting to understand completely what is being taught. It’s one of the best ways of learning and will help you better know the topics and material being taught.

We hope some of these points will help you learn more during your online wine classes and get the most out of each course you take. Capital Wine School offers both in person and online wine classes for any level of wine enthusiasts. Whether you’re looking to make this a career or just want to be able to enjoy a great glass of wine, we’re sure you’ll find what you’re looking for with our wide variety of courses. If you have any questions about the classes we offer or are interested in learning more about Capital Wine School, feel free to contact us. We look forward to learning and growing with you as wine enthusiasts.