$1,295 – Online live series (class recordings available*) with wine samples included

Includes WSET’s 3 year registration fee; access to all Diploma study materials in the WSET Online Classroom; the four week course, wine samples, and the Unit D1 Examination at Capital Wine School.

This 4-week course will be taught by Kasia White DipWSET on Zoom or Cisco WebEx on February 1, 8, 15, and 22 with the final exam on March 15. Classes will meet online from 6:30pm – 9:30pm, and the March 15 exam will be held in-person from 6:00pm – 7:30pm at the Capital Wine School.

This unit focuses on viticulture, vinification, maturation, and bottling. You will learn what the vine requires to produce grapes for wine production, grape growing, winemaking, and post-fermentation options and how this influences style, quality, and price. This unit must be taken before attempting any other Diploma course. This course provides the foundation needed for taking D3, D4, and D5. This unit is assessed by a 90-minute multiple-part open-response exam.

You must have passed the WSET Level 3 exam before registering for the Diploma Program.

Wine samples are included in the course and available for pickup curbside by appointment at the Capital Wine School on Tuesday, January 31 between 12:00pm – 5pm. Please make a note of the wine sample/study guide pickup date mentioned in the schedule above, as it will not appear on your registration confirmation. We cannot accommodate requests for wine sample pickups in advance of the date/times mentioned above. Students who are unable to come to the school to pick up their wine samples and study guide may have their materials shipped to them for an additional shipping fee – please email info@capitalwineschool.com for more information. Requests for shipping must be received on or before January 22. Finally, wine samples for those who request and pay for shipping will ship to arrive the day of the first scheduled class, and we cannot accommodate requests for earlier arrival.

*The Capital Wine School makes every effort to record each class and to make the recorded session available to participating students for up to one week after the scheduled class. While we have been able to successfully record these sessions for the vast majority of our classes, occasionally a technical glitch or human error will result in a failure to record some or all of a class. The Capital Wine School will not offer refunds or other concessions for classes that a student is unable to attend live, and for which a recorded session is unavailable due to an unexpected error. It is for this reason that we strongly encourage students to try to attend the live, online class session(s) as scheduled whenever possible.

***All Diploma study materials online; there are no physical printed books issued. Students will receive more information about the study materials once registered for the course.  

***Students must provide their WSET candidate number when registering for this course. Candidate numbers can be found on the letter of achievement received with your Level 3 certificate (candidate numbers are NOT printed on the certificates themselves). If you achieved your WSET Level 3 qualification with an APP other than the Capital Wine School, please contact them for this number if you are unable to locate it.

For detailed information about the WSET Level 4 Diploma in Wines, please click here to download a PDF of the WSET’s Specifications.


  • Class #1 WebEx or Zoom
     February 1, 2023
     6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
  • Class #2 WebEx or Zoom
     February 8, 2023
     6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
  • Class #3 WebEx or Zoom
     February 15, 2023
     6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
  • Class #4 WebEx or Zoom
     February 22, 2023
     6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
  • EXAM
     March 15, 2023
     6:00 pm - 7:30 pm


Venue Phone: 202-792-5020

5207 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite #7, Third Floor, Washington, District of Columbia, 20015, United States

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